New Course open to Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students | Mondays 4:00-6:40 PM
Professor Taharka Adé
This course is an intensive investigation into the rise and fall of several major ancient African civilizations. Several civilizations will be covered, including the classical cultures of Kush, Kemet, and Axum, as well as a survey of the early history of the Sudanic empires. Emphasis will be placed on African agency, showing the evolution of the peoples, nations, and their civilizations across space and time within the long history of Africa.
Bio: Dr. Taharka Adé is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Africana Studies. Adé obtained both his Ph.D in Africology from Temple University. His primary research interest is the investigation of various African and African diaspora cultural phenomena and the development of methods of comparative analyses between such phenomena. Adé is the author of W.E.B. Du Bois’ Africa: Scrambling for a New Africa.
Taharka Adé, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Africana Studies Office: AL-371 O: 619.594.3888 San Diego State University | SDSU.edu 5500 Campanile Drive | San Diego, CA 92182
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